North Cotswold Ornithological Society
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Other useful or interesting sites (in alphabetical order)

British Trust for Ornithology   National centre for bird surveys and population data 

Gloster Birder   The essential sightings website for the whole of Gloucestershire 

Charity Commission

Cheltenham Bird Club   Local bird club with an excellent programme of speakers 

Cotswold Water Park Sightings Birds from the CWP area

Dursley Birdwatching and Preservation Society    Further south in the county - talks and trips  

Gloucestershire Barn Owl Monitoring Programme   Rings and monitors the local Barn Owl population   

Gloucestershire Centre for Environmental Records    Wildlife records, maps and surveys, all publicly available   

Gloucestershire Naturalists Society   County recording group for all types of wildlife 

Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust     Local conservation group with a number of nature reserves  

Gloucestershire Raptor Monitoring Group    Specialised group studying the county's birds of prey 

RSPB   National organisation, local group

Severnside Birds Birds of the Severn Beach area  

Wildfowl and Wetland Trust,Slimbridge    Headquarters of the WWT on the Severn estuary